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tmc understands the direct marketing and communication needs of both domestic and international businesses. whether you are using direct mail to grow sales, launch new products, generate leads, promote traffic to your website or simply to make an announcement, we have the recourses and experience to help you achieve these goals.

following are examples of corporate departments that typically depend on tmc to help achieve their objectives in the mail:

• marketing

• operations

• sales

• investor relations

• public relations

• franchiser / franchisee relations

when you wish to communicate with your customers, employees or marketplace, call us. we provide all the services you need to get your message in the mail.

you give us the message and we’ll take care of the rest. our designers, programmers, print shops and letter shops will work around the clock in order to help you achieve your goals.

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© turpinmclaughlin communications • design: graphicwise, inc.

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