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mail piece design



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mail piece design

whether you are sending a postcard, a self-mailer or a personalized letter in an envelope, our talented artists put their years of experience to work in creating high impact mail pieces that leave a powerful impression.

we will work with you in all stages of the creative process. since tmc never uses cookie cutter designs, every mail piece starts with a clean slate. our designs combine your ideas, copy, photos and graphics with our years of experience in creating visually appealing mail pieces that successfully deliver your message to targeted audiences at homes and/or businesses.

if you already have a mailer designed, we can either update it or simply send it directly to pre-press. also, as experts on u.s. postal requirements of size, layout, color and mechanical specifications, we make certain that your mailer complies with all u.s. postal specifications.

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© turpinmclaughlin communications • design: graphicwise, inc.

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